Monday, April 11, 2011

addendum to "it's been a while"

HA HA on it turns out I had linked this blog to after a morning of tears ,kissing ass to all who i offended. Which i should not have to "be sorry" for any of it because had they read correctly they would have realized that NONE of it was towards ANYONE that I am friends with on FB. My God, the ex-wife's mother is praying for me. No offense to God , but really? My private (yes i realize it is an elecronic blog, however who looks for me? Exactly) mental breakdown turned into crazyness from the husband, slighted feeling from his ex-wife..just on and on . I would have done better for myself to take a pack of smokes and a book and pretend to read and cry my eyes out on the patio. Why did i link to FB? i have no idea and i don't even remember doing it. ugh the insanity of it all! here i dont have to use correct capital letters or spell it right i can just put it down and get it out. so ha ha again ..i have unlinked to fb. God help me if i didnt do it right. AND IF YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR ME AND FIND THIS BLOG THEN YOU MY FRIEND NEED A LIFE CAUSE ALL I AM DOING HERE IS SCREAMING TO THE STARS AND THE ZEROS AND THE ONES...

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